Calling all Juniors aged 12 – 15 years to compete in the 2023 Outback Iron Juniors event.
Events will be open for Girls and Boys aged 12-15 years, girls and boys to compete separately.
- Event held Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd
- Limited to 18 entries in each section
- Prize monies for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Girls and Boys sections as well as Trophies for Encouragement & Sportsperson Awards
1st Place $230 each – Girls & Boys sections
2nd Place $150 each – Girls & Boys sections
3rd Place $ 75 each – Girls & Boys sections
$20 per person
Thursday 21st Sept: Swag Toss and Opal Miners Dash.
Friday 22nd Sept: Mini-marathon, 5km trail run as part of the Western River Adventure Run.
Friday 22nd Sept: Whip Cracking.
Saturday 23rd Sept: Entrants contest the final event, Tug a Mini over a measured distance.
Saturday 23rd Sept 2:30PM: Presentations